Monday, 14 May 2007

Fund raising achievements so far for Twins with SMA

Achievements so far …..

Please check this page regularly to find out what funds and awareness have been generated for Twins with SMA.

Sam and Alex’s father, Ian, took part in the Derby 10k run on Sunday 29th April 2007. He finished the course in a steady but respectable 1 hour and 9 minutes. Funds generated from this event are still being collected and counted but it is hoped that he has generated around £1000 towards the ‘Twins with SMA’ trust fund. Ian would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that was generous enough to sponsor him and donate funds toward the cause. A list of all sponsors will be detailed on this website very soon.

Several people where generous enough to donate items to go towards a car boot sale which took place at Measham Car Boot on Sunday 15th April 2007. The total amount raised from this was £85.30 and most but not all items where sold. It is now the intention to use the remaining items to do another car boot sale very soon.

The pupils of tutor group 7-3 (The Tigers) at Hartshill School in Nuneaton dug deep and donated all the small change that they had in their pockets on Wednesday 28th March. After all the monies were counted the grand total raised came to a fantastic £29.30 so a big, big thanks goes to all concerned.

1 comment:

Twins with SMA said...

Everyone has really come together to support this event and for that we are really really greatful.
We are always looking for new ideas and welcome and suggestion (as long and they are legal and moral of course) but we hope that if you are reading this it is because you are supporting the cause to help 2 perfectly innocent and beautiful boys to live life to the full despite being dealt a rubbish hand in life... we always remain positive in everything we do though and hope that with the help of your support that medical research may even develope a cure for neuromuscular diseases such as SMA in the not too distant future.